sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014


Estimados alumnos,

ya he subido todas las notas a centrosnet. Allí podéis consultarlas con vuestra clave.

Querría hacer llegar un consejo a todos los que iniciáis un nuevo curso: poneos las pilas, pues será más intenso y difícil. Podéis hacerlo y merecerá el esfuerzo.

A aquéllos que repiten curso les digo que esto no tiene por qué suponer ningún tropiezo: se trata simplemente de tomarse algo más de tiempo para estudiar y practicar las materias. Aprender es lo que importa y cualquier ritmo es bueno y legítimo. Sé que andáis enfrascados en más actividades y que hay vida más allá del aula. Take it easy!

Abro, a patir de este momento, un plazo de revisión online: podéis escribir a reme@eoilorca.org para realizar cualquier consulta. Daré por definitivas las notas el lunes por la tarde.

Saludos y feliz septiembre,


viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014


Queridos estudiantes,

ya están subidas las notas provisionales a la web de eoilorca.org. Tenéis que entrar a la zona privada con vuestra contraseña y verlas. Todavía no he calificado las destrezas de algunos de vosotros (en concreto, la expresión escrita y la expresión oral), porque necesito un poco más de tiempo para reflexionar (cosa que no ocurriría si lo hubiéseis "bordado", queridos míos). Espero haber llegado a una conclusión mañana mismo. Por favor, si tenéis alguna duda, escribidme a reme@eoilorca.org y os la resuelvo.

Como os avisé, si hace falta, haremos una revisión la semana que viene. No obstante, como sois poquitos, podemos comunicarnos por e-mail también. Hoy me he incorporado a mi nueva escuela en Molina.

Un abrazo y hasta pronto,


pd. Recordad: reme@eoilorca.org

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014


Estimados alumnos,

el próximo año no podré estar con vosotros en la Escuela de Idiomas de Alhama. Este curso impartiré clase en Molina de Segura. La buena noticia es que SÍ podré examinaros yo este mes de septiembre. Por lo tanto, he de convocaros para los exámenes:

-Examen de Básico 1: examen escrito + examen oral: 5 de septiembre (viernes). Como no hay muchos estudiantes pendientes de aprobar, nos dará tiempo a hacer todas las partes del examen esa misma tarde. De haber algún contratiempo, tengo hueco también el día 10 de septiembre, tras el examen oral de mis estudiantes de Intermedio 1.

-Examen de Intermedio 1: examen escrito: 9 de septiembre (martes). Examen oral: 10 de septiembre (miércoles), a partir de las 16.30. 

Podéis hacer pareja con quien prefiráis. Si no conseguís emparejaros, yo me encargaré de hacerlo. Os convoco a todos a la misma hora porque no sois muchos y espero que podamos organizarnos sin problema.

Sin más,




sábado, 21 de junio de 2014


Dear students,

he subido las notas a la web de www.eoilorca.org
Recordad: tenéis que entrar al "ÁREA PRIVADA" e introducir la clave que os dieron con la matrícula a principio de curso (si no recuerdo mal, es parte de vuestro DNI). Por favor, os lo ruego, entrad, mirad vuestras notas y COMPROBAD QUE ESTÁ TODO BIEN, de acuerdo con la publicación provisional y la revisión que hicimos el jueves. A los de Primero de Básico os di las notas personalmente, comprobadlo todo también.

Cualquier duda o consulta a: reme@eoilorca.org

Mil gracias por todo y por un curso maravilloso.
A los que os quedan destrezas para septiembre, os deseo la mayor de las suertes. Pero, recordad, mucho más importante que la suerte es la concentración y el estudio.



jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


Queridos míos,

os dejo aquí las notas provisionales de Junio. Para preservar vuestra privacidad, he omitido vuestros nombres y escrito las últimas dos cifras y la letra de vuestros DNIs (excepto uno, a quien se le olvidó anotarlo). Sólo tenéis que mirarlos y buscaros.

Cualquier problema: reme@eoilorca.org o mañana en la revisión.

all my best,


Estimados alumnos: los exámenes están corregidos.  He intentado subir las notas a vuestro área privada en eoilorca.org pero parece imposible por el momento. A lo largo de la mañana espero haberlo resuelto. De lo contrario, os intentaré informar por este medio.

Revisión: 19 junio de 19.30 a 20.30



martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Breve curso de pronunciación gratuito

Queridos estudiantes,

mi compañero de la Universidad de Murcia, Jonás, está realizando un estudio para su tesis doctoral y ofrece un curso gratuito de pronunciación (seguramente online). Si estáis interesados en probar sus técnicas de mejora de la pronunciación, escribidle a la siguiente dirección: j.fouzgonzalez@um.es

Un abrazo a todos,


viernes, 6 de junio de 2014


Estimados alumnos,

si no hay contratiempo, las notas de mis grupos de Intermedio 1 y de Básico 1 estarán disponibles el 19 de junio. Para aquellos que deseen ver su examen: LA REVISIÓN TENDRÁ LUGAR EL 19 DE JUNIO DE 19.30 a 20.30.

Dudas: reme@eoilorca.org

Un abrazo y buena suerte,


p.d Si hay novedades, os las comunicaré por medio de este blog. Recordad que, si estáis suscritos, os llegan los avisos al correo.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


Dear Basic 1 Students,

this post is just to thank you for your wonderful presents. I am really happy to be your teacher because you are simply great. I like you both as students and as human beings so, everytime I water your flowers or I use your bag, I will think about you.

This is our last day in the classroom but I hope we meet soon again.

All my best,

and good luck!!


Basic 1: Verb test --- KEY ----

Dear students,

due to the huge amount of work I have these days, I would like you to correct the mock exam you did on your own.

Key of exercise 2:

/id/ : accepted, needed, started, hated, wanted, waited, texted, chatted, respected, decided, included, invented, painted, protected, added, repeated, rented, visited

/d/ : travelled, lived, played, opened, stayed, studied, happened, arrived, listened, loved, appeared, rained, worried, described, enjoyed, killed, cleaned, moved, imagined

/t/ : asked, missed, cooked, watched, finished, closed, stopped, danced, laughed, liked, worked, relaxed, typed, hoped, kissed, talked, helped, jumped


My dearest students,

follow this link and find lots of listening activities to practice before the June exam. LISTEN!

Remember there are other resources also available on the right column and try to complete the activities proposed by your workbook too. They are quite good. Don't doubt to write an e-mail to reme@eoilorca.org if you have any doubts.

Good luck!!


Dear all,

the British Council has recently published a series of videos to help you prepare for the speaking exams. Have a look, they might be useful.

Intermediate 1 Listening Practice

Dear students,

follow the link and find some extra activities to reinforce your listening skills before the exam: LISTEN!

Remember that there are lots of resources available on this blog. It is also convenient to complete te activities suggested by the workbook and, of course, to train your ears as much as possible in these days (listen to music, watch films in English, etc.)

Good luck!

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Queridos míos,

os espero este jueves en el aúla, como siempre y dispuesta a resolver dudas, repasar y ensayar el examen oral con vosotros.

See you tomorrow,


martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

No hay clase hoy

No habrá clase hoy, martes 27 de mayo, por enfermedad (leve) de vuestra profesora.  Nos vemos el jueves 29 para el último repaso y dudas. Estudiad, please.

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Básico 1: Cards to practice before the Oral Exam (Vol. 1)

 Dear students,

if you want to practice before the oral exam with some easy cards, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE 

See you soon

and good luck!!



Queridos estudiantes,

os recuerdo que el examen escrito es el día 17 de Junio a  las 16.30.

Horarios del ORAL:

17 Junio (después del escrito)

- Fina y Erika
- Gema y Jesús

19 Junio

16.30: Isi, Fernando y Paqui
16.45: Ana y Mónica
17.00: Cati e Isa
17.15: Ana y Lina
17.30: Belén y Paz
17.45: Lidia y Lourdes
18.00: Ana D. y Patricia
18.15: María y Sonia
18.30: Inma y Ana
18.45: Raquel y Eladio

Aquellos que todavía no tienen hora, que se pongan en contacto conmigo (reme@eoilorca.org) o que lo hable conmigo en clase la próxima semana.

Good luck!



- 16.30: Raquel C. and Adrián
- 16.45: Cristina P. and Rubén d.
- 17.00: Fina C. and María José L.
- 17.15: Jacinto and Antonio L.
- 17.30: Raquel and Marisol
- 17.45: Inma and Fina A.
- 18.00: Gonzalo and Jose Luis
- 18.15: Mari Carmen and Estela
- 18.30: Cristina Montaña and Fina
- 18.45: José and Ainara
- 19.00: Alberto and Antonio

Please, try to arrive 5 or 10 minutes before the exam so that everything flows.

Good luck!!!!

Intermedio 1: The Environment

Dear students,

here you are the activity we did today in class:


miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Contenidos léxicos y semánticos de BÁSICO 1

Queridos estudiantes,

los "temas" y situaciones susceptibles de salir en el examen oral (y escrito) son los siguientes:

1. DETALLES PERSONALES (= Personal details): Hablar de uno mismo o de otra persona.
 - Exposición sobre la vida de uno // diálogo con un amigo sobre la vida de cada cual. 
- Conocer gente: Nombre, Apellidos, estado civil,

- The alphabet. Deletrear (deletrear el nombre y otros detalles)

- Greetings. Fórmulas sociales: saludos, presentaciones y despedidas
- Breve biografía

- Aquí y en otros temas, será importante que sepáis: los días de la semana, las fechas, los números (por ejemplo para darle tu número de teléfono a alguien), los colores y todo tipo de vocabulario básico que habéis ido adquiriendo durante el curso.

- Por otra parte, los saludos y otras fórmulas sociales os sirven para TODOS los diálogos.

2. FAMILIA (= Family)

 -  Describir a algún familiar (vocabulario sobre el aspecto físico y de la personalidad); hablar de tu familia (I have two children...).

3. ACTIVIDADES DE LA VIDA DIARIA (= Everyday Activities)

- Hablar de la rutina diaria, qué haces cada día; si ha habido cambios en tu vida.

4. VIAJAR (= Travel)

- Hablar de un viaje pasado; conversaciones en hoteles; visitar una ciudad (go sightseeing, take a picture, travel by bus, etc.)

5.  TIEMPO LIBRE (=hobbies and free time)

- Hablar de qué te gusta hacer (I like reading...), qué no te gusta hacer, cuáles son tus aficiones. 
- Conversar sobre ello con alguien; preguntarle, etc.

6. COMPRAS (= Shopping)

- Comprar algo en una tienda; hablar de cuánto cuesta esto o lo otro (How much does it cost?)

7. LA CASA (= House)

- Describir una casa (la tuya, por ejemplo); decir qué tipo de casa te gusta (¿casa o piso?)

8. COMIDA (= Food)

- Diálogos en restaurantes (Can I have...?)
- Hablar de qué comida te gusta, cuáles son tus hábitos alimenticios.


- Hablar sobre el teléfono móvil, el ordenador, las redes sociales (do you like it? is it useful?)

10. EL TIEMPO (= the weather)

- Decir qué tiempo hace; qué tipo de tipo de tiempo te gusta, qué estaciones...
- También podéis hablar del tiempo cuando habléis de vuestro pueblo o de alguna ciudad que os guste o a la que hayáis viajado...

Por supuesto, así es la vida, unos temas se relacionan con otros. Si os sale una tarjeta con un diálogo en el hall de un hotel, tal vez os apetezca preguntar por el tiempo que hace en la ciudad que estáis visitando o decir qué preferís desayunar durante vuestra estancia, etc.

Estudiad y sed imaginativos


Good luck,



Contenidos léxicos y semánticos de los exámenes de INTERMEDIO 1

Queridos míos,

os dejo aquí la lista de "temas" que pueden salir en el examen. Como sabéis,  las tarjetas del examen oral os exigirán que hagáis una exposición y una interacción sobre aspectos relacionados:

1. ALIMENTACIÓN  (= Food): (diálogos en restaurantes y cafeterías; expresar el gusto por unos alimentos u otros; relacionar tipos de alimentación con una vida sana/no sana; hablar de los propios hábitos alimenticios, etc.) Este tema conecta con el de la SALUD (hábitos de vida, alimentación, deportes...).
2. RELACIONES HUMANAS Y SOCIALES (biografías y autobiografías, es decir: hablar de la vida de uno o/y de la de los demás [to get to know somebody, to get on well with sb, to ask sb out, to get married, etc.], hacer planes con gente, invitaciones [would you like to...?], consejos [should], salir a cenar, organizar una fiesta, etc.
3.  COMPRAS Y ACTIVIDADES COMERCIALES (= Shopping): diálogos en una tienda (compras y devoluciones), opinar sobre qué tipo de comercios prefieres (shops or shopping centres?), hablar sobre qué cosas has adquirido o te gustaría adquirir, sus precios, etc.
 4. VIAJES Y TRANSPORTES (=travel and means of transport): hablar de un viaje pasado; hablar de un viaje futuro (planes [present continuous and be going to]); opinar o describir los medios de transporte (de tu ciudad o de otra ciudad que visites), hoteles, barrios, etc.
 5.  CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA (= Technology): hablar de algún gadget, descripción de cachibaches, conversaciones sobre las redes sociales (Are you on facebook? Problems related to social networks), los ordenadores y los móviles (pros and cons...), etc.
6. EDUCACIÓN (=Education): tu etapa escolar, tus maestros favoritos/odiados, opinar sobre la educación pública vs. educación privada, opinar sobre single-sex education, boarding schools, etc.
7. TIEMPO LIBRE (=Free time): decir las cosas que te gusta hacer (y por qué), deportes, arte, cine; hablar de un concierto, de un libro, de una película... Opiniones sobre temas relacionados. Hacer planes con amigos.

8. IDENTIFICACIÓN PERSONAL: describirse a uno mismo o a otra persona; hablar de tus sentimientos, tus gustos, tu manera de ser, tus opiniones, etc.
9. VIVIENDA, HOGAR Y ENTORNO: hablar del barrio, de tu ciudad, del lugar en el que vives (tu casa); opinar sobre tu hábitat; swap houses (responder a anuncios de intercambio de casas); buscar alojamiento (accommodation). Este tema se relaciona con BIENES Y SERVICIOS (explicar que en tu barrio hay una farmacia, parada de bus, parques, etc.)
10. ACTIVIDADES DE LA VIDA DIARIA: hablar de tu rutina (uso del presente simple); hablar de qué te gustaría hacer, cambiar, etc.
11. EL TRABAJO (= Work): Decir en qué trabajas, hablar de tu trabajo, tu horario, las condiciones, el salario.
12. CLIMA, CONDICIONES ATMOSFÉRICAS Y MEDIO AMBIENTE: hablar del tiempo; hablar (de forma muy básica) de problemas del medio ambiente y soluciones (global warming; alternative energy sources).

Por supuesto, así es la vida, unos temas se relacionan con otros. Si os sale una tarjeta con un diálogo en el hall de un hotel, tal vez os apetezca preguntar por el tiempo que hace en la ciudad que estáis visitando o decir qué preferís desayunar durante vuestra estancia, etc.

Estudiad y sed imaginativos


Good luck,



martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Intermediate 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do the activities of the photocopy I have delivered in class today (quantifiers and relative clauses  -units 9B and 10A).

Note that we have already completed the programme (or almost!), so from Thursday on we are going to revise and practice the oral exam.

If you really want to do well in the exams, you have to study a lot.

Cheer up!

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

your homework:
-Reading on age 68
-and the Vocabulary Bank on page 162 (prepositions)

Have a great time this weekend!

Intermediate 1

Your homework:

- Revise & Check on pages 82 and 83.
+ Writing exercise on pages 120-121 ("advantages and disadvantages"). Feel free to write a "cover letter" too (on the same page). Deadline: Thursday 22.


martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do the Reading exercise on page 67 (it's about Sherlock Holmes)


Intermediate 1 Homework

Please, do  the Grammar bank on page 147 and the Reading exercise on page 80 (a+b)
See you soon!!

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Please do the activities related to the writing exercise on page 114.
Deadline for the composition: 14th May.

Do also the activities related to THERE WAS // THERE WERE. I can explain them in class but you already know how they work: they are very similar to THERE IS // THERE ARE, but they are in past tense.

Have a great time!

Weekend Movies: Quentin Tarantino

Dear students,

here you are a film by Tarantino to enjoy this weekend. Remember to study hard, speak to your friends (or your mirror) in English and open your ears!! The exams are round the corner.

Intermedio 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do the activities on page 163 (Word Building -2) and page 164 (Activity 2 and  Word Building - 3)

Have a great weekend and remember to study a lot, the exams are around the corner!



martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Please, do the grammar bank 8B (there is // there are)

see you soon!

Intermedio 1 Homework

On Thursday, we are going to correct the Reading activities on paes 76-77 and the Vocabulary Bank on page 163 (Word Building)


martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do the vocabulary bank on page 161 (the house) and the Reading exercise on page 64.

Have a great bank holiday and enjoy "los Mayos"!!!!

Intermedio 1 Homework

Please, read the text on pages 76-77 and do the related exercises.

Thank you!

P.S ... and have a great bank holiday (if possible)!

Intermedio 1 Vocabulary (Houses)

Dear students,

here you are the links to the websites we visited today in class. They are the best-known webs to find accommodation (a house, an apt, a loft,  a shared flat...) in US an UK. I hope you find them useful one day.




jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Dear students,

this is one of my favourite films. I recommend to watch it in English if you have time. Remember there are many other films in cuevana.tv and also complete movies on youtube.



Dear students,

we are having a VERB TEST on Tuesday 29th April. Please try to memorize the list of irregular verbs available in the book and also the regular verbs (including the different types of pronunciation of final "ed").

Cheer up!!!

Basic 1 Homework (24th April)

Dear students, 

homework for Easter:

- Reading exercise on pages 60 and 61.

- WRITING: please, WRITE AN E-MAIL TO YOUR TEACHER ABOUT YOUR HOLIDAY. Tell me where you are, what you are doing, what places you are visiting (or if you are staying at home, tell me where and what is your daily life these days). Tell me when you are coming back or if you have plans to travel (again?) in the future. Tell me some funny anecdote that happened to you yesterday, your dreams, anything you want!!!

- Deadline:  to hand it in: 24th of April
- WORDS: 100-150

Intermediate 1 Homework

Dear students,

here you are some homework you should do during Easter:

- Photocopy (delivered in class)  2º Conditional activities.
- Reading Exercise on pages 70-71
- Vocabulary activities on page 162 (you can check and listen to the pronunciation if you use your student cd room, although we are going to correct everything in class).
- Activities on page 118, BUT WE WILL DO THE SUGGESTED WRITING (activiy d) IN CLASS!!

Thus, prepare the vocabulary you need, study the connectors, have a look at the tenses (past, present, future and also the conditional sentences!).

See you on 24th April!!


martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Basic 1 Homework


read the text on page 56 and answer the questions (a,b,c)


Basic 1 More Irregular Verbs

You can have a look at this list and use the verbs you need or like most:



Intermediate 1 Homework

Your homework for Thursday 10: Reading exercise on pages 66-67 (a, b, c, d) + photocopy (7A "Finish the sentence")


Dear students,

remember our last lesson before the holidays is taking place on 10th April.

Please come back  to the Language School of Alhama on 24th April!


miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014


Dear students,

this post is to remind you that we will be having a Tea Party tomorrow at the usual hour. I have already selected some films, quizzes, music and three types of tea, coffee and sweeties. I hope we have a great time together.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

please finish your compositions and hand them in on Thursday.
Then, do the activities of the photocopies I delivered in class.




Dear students,

I strongly recommend this web to learn English. I know the person who has designed it: David. He is an extremely clever guy and I am pretty sure you will learn a lot if you follow his advice.


Basic 1 (and Intermediate 1): Pronunciation of -ed endings

Bajas de alumnos

Estimados alumnos,

os  anuncio que he dado de baja aquellos alumnos que han superado las 19 faltas de asistencia. Publico la lista de bajas con tan sólo el primer apellido e iniciales del segundo apellido y del nombre de los estudiantes por respeto a su intimidad; no creo que tengan problema en reconocerse y así evitamos alimentar Google con información personal.

Por favor, si alguno de los estudiantes necesita comentar algo al respecto o piensa que hay un error en su pérdida de derechos de matrícula, que contacte conmigo: reme@eoilorca.org



Alcaraz D., N.
García G., A.
Nine V., J.  
Ortiz T., R.
Pardo R., A.


Cerón C., M.
García O., N.
Marín S., M.
Valiño R., M.

Intermediate 1: Education, Extra material

Some interesting webs concerning EDUCATION (vocabulary, grammar, etc.)

1. Click here to learn more vocabulary related to EDUCATION
3. Click here to remember and learn USEFUL EXPRESSIONS

Jornadas Culturales 2014 TOTANA

Wonderful week in EOI Lorca! You can take part in "las Jornadas Culturales" in any of the school extensions. 
This is the programme of EOI Totana:

Dear students you are welcome to enjoy the activities organised in Totana and Lorca this week as well as our Jornadas Culturales in Alhama, which are taking place in our classroom, as we agreed.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

BASIC 1 Homework

Dear students,

please write a composition (125-150 words) about a past adventure. You can imagine any past life (for example, you can write that you were a pirate, you sailed, you rescued slaves on an island, etc etc etc...)

Deadline: 3rd April, Thursday.

Enjoy and keep it imaginative!



Weekend Movies: Enjoy with Wes Anderson

Wesley Wales "Wes"Anderson (born May 1, 1969) is an American film director and screenwriter. His films are known for their distinctive visual and narrative style. This is my favourite ones, available online: Moonrise Kingdom.
This is the trailer: 


Intermediate 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do the Reading activity on pages 66-67 and the last exercise of the Vocabulary Bank (VERBS) on page 161.

Have a great weekend!


Jornadas Culturales Escuela Idiomas Lorca

Dear students,

Eoi Lorca has planned a lot of activities to celebrate "las jornadas culturales". You are welcome to join the students and teachers at Eoi Lorca on Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 of April:


martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

your  homework for Thursday:

-Reading Exercise (3) + Vocabulary (4) on page 53.

Good luck!

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do the Reading exercise on page 51 and the grammar activities on page 135 (6C)

Have a great weekend and sing a lot at home!

A song: Lemon Tree (by Fool's Garden)

This is a song we enjoyed today in our Basic 1 class. Read the lyrics and sing at home!

A song: Nina Simone's I GOT LIFE

We listened to this powerful and inspirational song today in our Intermediate 1 class. Here you are a video with lyrics in case you feel like singing at home : ) Enjoy I GOT LIFE!

Reading Tim Burton's "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy" + Watching one of his films

Dear students,

if you enjoyed "Vincent", you will love Oyster Boy.


These are the characters you are going to find inside this marvellous book by Tim Burton:



Basic 1 Extra activity: LIKES AND DISLIKES

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Your homework for Thursday:

- Reading on page 49 (exercise 5)
- Activities on page. 5 & 6: REVISE AND CHECK

See you soon!

Intermediate 1 Homework

Please, do the Reading exercise on pages pp. 60-61 and the Revise & Check section on pages 62 and 63 (except for the listening activities).

Remember: we ara having a COMPOSITION TEST on Tuesday 25. Try to study and revise everything you have learned this year.

See you soon,



Dear all,

we already know the dates of your WRITTEN exams (Reading, Listening and Writing):



Please, don't forget, work hard and be punctual!!!


jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework + Optional Object Pronouns exercises

Dear students,

your homework for Tuesday:

- pages 46-47: Reading exercise
- page 135: Grammar Bank ( I like doing...)
+ photocopied handout (Like, etc.)

Optional "object pronouns exercises" to do at home:

1 Object Pronouns TEST
2.Object Pronouns TEST
3. Object Pronouns TEST
4. Object Pronouns TEST


A pronoun is the word that takes the place of the noun. The subject pronouns are the pronouns that are the subject of a sentence (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)

          Mary has a car ------> She has a car 
          Peter and I are happy -----> We are happy

The 'Object Pronouns' or complement pronouns are the pronouns used as a complement of the verb or after a preposition (me, you, him, her, it, us, them)

           Peter buys flowers for Lorraine -----> Peter buys flowers for her
           I like those shoes -----> I like them

Don't confuse them with the possessive adjectives. The possessive adjectives are adjectives, so they come before a noun. The pronoun substitutes the noun, so they come alone.

           Possessive adjective: Tom and Bob live with their parents
           Object pronoun: Tom and Bob live with them

See you soon!


Dear students,

"Reading books" (Basic 1) and "Cinema" (Intermediate 1) are two of our main topics in class. Thus, here you are a selection of videos to watch in English.


*PAUL AUSTER. The first minutes of the video are in Spanish, because it is part of a South-American program. However, the writer and the interviewer eventually switch to English. If you don't know Paul Auster, I recommend you have a look at some of his books. For examle, The New York Trilogy (picture below).

* DAVID FOSTER WALLACE. He is simply one of the best authors of the 20th and the 21st centuries. Unfortunately, he died very young. His works are works of art. Masterpieces. They are a bit difficult to read (much more than Paul Auster's) but, if you feel curious, I strongly recommend Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (See picture below). Next to the picture, you can see a video based on a text Foster Wallace read at the university of Kenyon (USA) in 2005. It is a very inspiring video. 


2. POEMS. 

There are many poems you can find in English on the Internet. One of my favourite poets of all times is CHARLES BUKOWSKI. He is the author of one of the most beautiful poems ever written: BLUEBIRD. You can listen to Bukowski reading his poem on the following video (I think it is a good idea to read the lines at the same time, just click HERE) :


* THE HOURS: This is a great film directed by Stephen Daldry and starring Nicole Kidman, Diane Moore and Meryl Streep. It is based on one of Virginia Woolf's most famous novels, Mrs. Dalloway, but it is set in different times and locations. I enjoyed watching it very much.

* ANONYMOUS: A film based on Mark Twain's idea that William Shakespeare didn't write William Shakespeare's works. The film develops this crazy idea in a very entertaining way. I enjoyed watching this film full of drama and strange passions. 

* DETACHMENT: It is a 2011 American drama film about the high school education system directed byTony Kaye, starring Adrien Brody. This film is extremely moving and great. I recommend it a lot.

* DEAD POETS SOCIETY: A classic!!!!


Intermediate 1 Homework

Dear pupils,

your homework:

- Grammar Bank on page 143 (MIGHT/ MAY, CAN'T, MUST). Please, do all the activities.
- Handout about the modals of deduction (might, may, can't must)

Have a great weekend,


martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Your homework for Thursday:

-Vocabulary Bank on page 157 (TIME)
-Activity number 2 (THE DATE) from the Vocabulary Bank on page 159.

Have fun!

Job in Switzerland for Spanish teachers

Dear students,

Click here if you are looking for a job as a teacher. There are some posts in Switzerland! You can also inform your friends.

Intermediate 1 Homework

Dear students,

your homework for Thursday: WRITING on page 117 (a film review).

Apart from that, please read the text on pages 58-59 ("What does your profile picture say about you?")

See you soon!


lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Información general: abierto plazo inscripción LIBRES

Queridos estudiantes y proto-estudiantes de la EOI:

Hoy se ha abierto el plazo de inscripción a los Exámenes por Libre de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de la Región. Podéis avisad a vuestros familiares, amigos y conocidos. Consejo: que visiten la web de la EOI más cercana para más info e inscribirse online. Sólo hasta este viernes 14.



jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Basic 1 Homework

Dear students,

please do all the exercises on page 113 (Writing).
You are welcome to hand in two pieces of writing: 4-b (= four posts) and 5 c-d (an informal e-mail)

Have a great weekend!!!


Intermediate 1 Homework


have a look at this link about the PASSIVE VOICE and try to do the exercises related to the Passive Voice with two objects (for example: They give him a book = He was given a book by them).

Do the activities on page 117 too (writing a film review).We will correct the activities on Tuesday. You can hand in your review on Tuesday or Thursday.



Dear students,

these are the films I have selected for your this week. As you can see, there are different options:

1.TITUS by Julie Taymor. She is the director of Across the Universe, the film many of you enjoyed so much some weeks ago. This film is an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play Titus Andronicus, so the dialogues might be a bit difficult. Nevertheless, I think you will be able to understand the plot and most of the words because the images are very powerful.

2. NOTHING SPECIAL: a short film that was awarded in many festival last year. CLICK HERE TO WATCH ITA young boy is tormented by his mother's conviction that he is the new Messiah, and after leaving home, he tries to limit all human contact and adopt a completely boring, normal lifestyle....  

3. THIS IS VANITY. This is a brilliant and shocking short fillm. This Is Vanity is the dark and tragic tale of a tiring mother who struggles to protect both herself and her disabled teenage daughter from the continual attacks of local adolescents. (There aren't subtitles available but I think you can understand most of it.) 

4. PROTOPARTÍCULAS. This is a short film by my friend Chema García Ibarra. He has been awarded in many festivals too. The film is in Spanish but with English subtitles. Try to watch it and read the subtitles (READING EXERCISE). It will be good to learn vocabulary in English.

I hope you enjoy at least one or all the films!!!

Have a great weekend!

Intermediate 1: More about the Passive Voice

Dear all,

here you are a link to a very useful explanation about the PASSIVE VOICE (click here)

More exercises HERE